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Howire  supplies the aerospace wire and strip market as well as the aerospace defense wire and strip market with various types and sizes of specialty wire. We offer DFAR compliant stainless steel wire in 302 stainless shpaed wire, 304 stainless shpaed wire, 316 stainless shpaed wire and 17-7 stainless shpaed wire and 17-7 condition C wire. Each type of wire is designed specifically for and approved by all major aerospace manufacturing companies. Available in both a round stainless wire, flat stainless wire and shaped stainless wire.

Howire products also offers a complete custom straighten and cut wire operation to specific customer needs.

Stainless steel Shaped wires are a critical component in the construction and operation of both commercial and military aircraft. Their unique properties make them indispensable in several key applications:

Fuselage and Wing Assembly: The fuselage and wings of an aircraft endure tremendous stress and strain during flight. Stainless steel flat wires, known for their high tensile strength and corrosion resistance, are used in the fastening systems that hold these critical components together. Their flat profile allows for a more intimate fit in assembly, reducing drag and improving aerodynamics.

Control Cables: The precise maneuvering of an aircraft relies heavily on its control cables, which transmit the pilot’s commands to the aircraft’s control surfaces. Stainless steel flat wires, with their exceptional fatigue resistance, ensure that these cables remain reliable over countless flights.

-Engine Components: The harsh environment of an aircraft engine, characterized by extreme temperatures and pressures, demands materials that can withstand these conditions. Stainless steel flat wires are used in a variety of engine components, from fuel injection systems to exhaust assemblies, thanks to their high-temperature resistance and durability.

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